Aktion Club 

misc5 108         Our Aktion Club HAS been providing .....since 2009. Members want to serve in the community and Aktion Club gives them that opportunity. They help with the C Aktion Club gives members opportunities to practice leadership skills, learn more about each other, and to have fun with each other doing craft projects, such as rock painting, making bird treats, making decorations, making slime. Meeting programs have entertained them with music, animals, sign language, fire safety and much more. And then there are picnics, dinners and even a dance.

         Aktion Club member dues are $8 contact a Noon Kiwanian to sign up.



Children's Fair

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Cookie Daze

Pancake Breakfast


Service Projects:

Tie Blankets

Dog Toys

Flood Buckets.

Rock painting



First place WI-UM District Scrapbook competition




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